Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-2] of 2Posts from Beth, MNBeth, MN 8 Reply Beth, MN 3/16/11 re: C. S. Lewis quote Anonymous, Perhaps since Lewis observed that it was much easier for people to oppose "evil" and direct types of tyranny such as totalitarianism, that he made the observation that the indirect and "good" type of tyranny would be oppresive because people would continue to justify the oppression because it was done in the name of good. Lews said nothing of fearing one tyranny more over another. He was advocating a healty fear of ALL tyranny, and made the point that people often ignore the tyranny of the "good." 3 Reply Beth, MN 12/8/10 re: C. S. Lewis quote I love this quote. It is very accurate. I fear the tyranny of the do-gooders more than "evil" people as do-gooders will never end thier tyranny over others. They find moral justification in the ends, despite the means to obtain those "good" ends. And they do not care if they violate your natural rights in the process, because it is all done in the name of good. We are morally backwards to have come to this point. It does not follow that just because and end result may be good or noble, that we can do anything to achieve it. This explains why so many are willing to force us to do things for our own good. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print